How do you communicate with your team?

Internal communication in companies has significantly changed in the last couple years. One reason for this is Generation Y (aka Millennials) who are the largest generation in America and makeup the majority of the workforce. Millennials grew up with digital communication and expect it in the workplace now too.

But internal messaging isn’t just growing because of Millennials, it is also growing because it just makes sense. In-office messaging applications allow you to easily communicate with anyone on your team instantaneously. Who wouldn’t want that? Gone are the days of having to walk to a co-worker’s office or even just waiting for an email response.

If your office hasn’t adopted an in-office messaging application yet, one application we suggest is Slack. Although there are other good applications out there – OfficeChat, Samepage, and Hipchat – Slack is the one we use in our company and it works great! Slack has many features that help you communicate with your team, and it is free to set up and try.

In-office messaging applications allow you to easily communicate with anyone on your team instantaneously.

Slack Messaging Features:

• Channels – A way to organize your team for different projects or topics.
• Private Channels – For sensitive information that only a few team members get access to.
• Direct Messages – For one-on-one communication between team members.
• File Sharing – Files, images, and PDFs are easy to share. Simply drag and drop them into Slack.
• Tool Integration – It’s easy to connect your many different tools, like Google Drive, Zendesk, Asana, GitHub, Drift, and many more.
• Archive Search – Although you can only search up to 10,000 messages with the free version, for only about $7/month, you can search through every single message that has ever been sent.
• Multiple Platforms – Slack is available on your computer, tablet, and mobile phone.

Hybridge has helped many of our clients set up Slack for their team, and we can help you too. If you are interested in this messaging application or want to discuss other options, please contact us via email at info at or phone, 888-353-1763.

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