Somehow it’s 5:00 PM, you’ve been sitting at your desk all day and your step counter shows less than 1500 steps for the entire day. You were planning on going to the gym but you’re tired, sore from sitting, and need to make it home in time for dinner - sound familiar?

Sitting in a chair all day is not the ideal way to spend your time, yet it is the reality for many of us. Add in avoiding workouts due to hectic schedules and you have an unhealthy combination, both for your physical and mental health.

Luckily there are ways to exercise throughout your work day. If you keep a steady regime, just a few minutes at a time throughout the day, your body will thank you. Below we have listed a few recommended apps and tips to help you stay in shape without having to change your schedule.

In-office fitness apps:

  • Office Workout
    • This app takes a holistic approach to your health, offering stretches/ exercises that only require you, a chair, and a table/desk. It also offers tips on how to take care of your eyes, back, posture, and manage your stress.
  • Office Yoga
    • If you have wanted to try yoga for a while now, but haven’t had the time, here’s your chance! This app has easy-to-follow directions and exercises that are custom-made for all fitness levels.
  • 100 Office Workouts
    • You can use this app if you are able to carve out a bit of time during your lunch break. It offers not only exercises you can do on your chair, but also 60-second high intensity interval training (HIIT) circuits, low-sweat cardio workouts, and stretches. There is also an in-app timer to help you keep control over your schedule.

Tips and tricks to increase activity:

  • Make your commute more active
    • This doesn’t always mean biking to work. Parking at the far end of the parking lot, or a few office buildings away will increase your walking distance and have great impact long term.
  • Stand when you can
    • Avoid sitting whenever possible throughout the day. If you do not have the funds to purchase a true standing desk there are dozens of high-quality desk attachments you can add on top of your current desk to make it a standing desk.
  • Reorganize your workspace
    • You probably have all of your work supplies within reach. Force yourself to get up and move/stretch by putting your most commonly used office supplies (ex. your phone or printer) just far enough so you have to get up to use it.

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